Libxfce4ui api review, round 2

Nick Schermer nickschermer at
Fri Jul 10 08:30:20 CEST 2009

Well for as long a nobody has complaints at this stage about the api,
we can start to port the core components to libxfce4ui. I also like to
purpose the switch to Gtkbuilder since the minimum gtk dep (2.14)
allows that*. I think we're better of doing that in branches until the
result is satisfying (git where are you?), if nobody has problems with
that I'll pick this up during the weekend.


* I do need to fix some issues in the gtkbuilder support in libxfce4ui
since gtk is not aware of the 4ui types (XfceTitledDialog), but there
is a quick code hack to fix that for the time being.

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