Libxfce4ui api review

Brian J. Tarricone brian at
Wed Jul 8 16:16:33 CEST 2009

On 2009/07/07 23:38, Nick Schermer wrote:

> Anyway, I can live with it as it is right now, just wanted to discuss
> it again. Maybe we can run the
> xfce_gtk_window_center_on_active_screen() function if the parent ==
> NULL? That will cover most of the cases anyways and if you don't send
> a parent you'll never know where the window shows up, so I think we
> can do that safely.

Duh, good call.  If you don't pass a parent, it's gonna go on the 
default screen, which may or may not be what you want... if you don't 
pass a parent, I think putting it on the active screen makes the most 
sense.  So the arg can be a bit more strongly typed.


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