incompatible libxfconf changes

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Mon Oct 27 09:03:52 CET 2008

Hi all,

After some discussion with Nick, we've settled on some API changes for
libxfconf's bindings mechanism.  Source-wise, the _bind() functions
have not changed, so no one needs to make any changes if they never
explicitly UNbind any properties.

However, the property unbinding functions have changed.  New docs

Since we're still in pre-release mode, I'm not changing libxfconf's
library name from xfconf-0 to xfconf-1.  I will, however, bump the
soname version (it'll be now).  So this does mean
you'll need to relink any xfconf-using apps to get changes and bugfixes
from now on, and if you don't, you'll still use the old library without
noticing it, possibly.  If you've installed from source, you'll want to
do "rm $libdir/*" after installing the new xfconf lib
and then find out what doesn't run so you can relink them.  Off the top
of my head, you'll need to relink:

... and maybe more.

When we release 4.6.0 final, I'm planning on changing the library name
to xfconf-1, and of course the soname version will reset to 0 as well.
This will ensure that no one is using an alpha/beta/rc version of
xfconf with other components.   I'll take care of updating everyone's
configure.{ac,in}.in files in the main xfce svn repo, but everyone else
is on their own.  Sorry if this creates more work for packagers, but I
judge my post-release maintenance sanity to be more important :-P .


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