Showing bundles in Thunar

Anders F Björklund afb at
Thu Oct 2 00:22:58 CEST 2008

> But it seems to be harder to set any custom icons on directories
> (except for emblems), as the thumbnailers work mostly with files.
> Using thumbnailers should otherwise work for formats that actually
> have files, like the CMG images for instance.
> It does know to set special icons for home and desktop folders, so
> maybe it could be taught about app bundles and custom icons too...

Tweaking thunar_file_get_icon_name to check for a .DirIcon wasn't
too tricky to do, since thunar_icon_factory_load_icon can work with
absolut icon path names as well as icon names from the icon theme.

But it still adds a stat(2) to each directory listed, and looks
kinda strange - since it will still open as a regular directory
and show in the tree with the open triangle (though proper icon)

So probably better to live with the .desktop files for time being.


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