show/hide button

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Tue May 13 19:54:25 CEST 2008

joy zhao wrote:
> hi, I don't think this function can be made as a plugin, since it needs to
> have the panel move entirely.
>  Panel plugins, internal or external,  are
> children of panel Item container directly (the internal condition ) or
> first wrapped in gtkplug which then inserted into gtksocket -- the parent
> class or external item, and finally the socket item being packed into
> panel's item container. In one word, neither of the two kinds of plugins can
> access Panel's address and have panel the desired behavior.

Yes, I'm well aware of this ^_~.  But I thought there was a function in 
the libxfce4panel API to toggle the panel's autohide behavior, but I 
guess not, as I can't find it now.

> Sure, we can
> also have the plugins communicate with panel trunk through client messages,
> however,  we cannot achieve the  goal without modify the panel proper -- add
> a new client message interface.

Well, actually, the panel already uses client messages to communicate 
with plugins...

> That's why I have to have this panel patch.
> Do you have any other good ideas ?

Why is it necessary?  What's wrong with the panel's autohide behavior? 
I feel like this is a niche feature that isn't really a great idea to 
put in the panel proper...  Tho adding a way to allow plugins to change 
autohide behavior might not be a bad idea.


> On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 1:32 AM, Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at>
> wrote:
>> Someone already responded to your mail.
>> This isn't something that makes sense to put in the panel.  You'll want
>> to create a plugin for it.
>>        -brian
>> joy zhao wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd commit a patch for xfce4-panel, however,  I don't know  whom exactly
>> I
>>> should send this mail to .  So I just send it to this address. If it's
>> no t
>>> a proper way, can anyone be kindly enough to let me know ? Thanks!
>>> This patch is to add a show/hide button on panel, which, when clicked,
>> will
>>> toggle panel's show/hide status, and for example, have panel hide to
>> left
>>> corner or bottom corner.
>>> users can choose whether to have this button on panel in panel property
>>> dialog.
>>> The attachment is my patch.
>>> YanZhao
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