show/hide button

joy zhao yanhwizhao at
Tue May 13 16:30:09 CEST 2008

hi, nick
Thanks for your reply!
I've reported that as a bug and cc to you(nick at, (it seems nowhere
can directly assign it to you).

But as to make this function as a plugin and its communication via dbus,
I've another question:
will you in the new framework allow plugins to specify their positions? As
you know, in current panel, plugins' position
are determined by their sequence in panel.xml on panel start up. If it comes
to show/hide button which should be placed
at both ends of a panel, a mechanism to allow panel to care for plugins'
position request is more than welcome.


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Nick Schermer <nickschermer at>

> Well first create a new bug and assign it to me (nick at with
> the patch attached.
> I don't want to integrate this patch into the panel since it somewhat
> conflics with our design, but i've been working on a new panel
> framework using dbus so that could provide the needed communication
> for a plugin.
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