Zombie processes left by Xfce4 programs (Thunar, xfdesktop, ...)

Rob spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 09:48:55 CET 2008

Stephan Arts wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 19 spamrefuse at yahoo.com wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using Fedora 7 Linux system with:
>>    Xfce 4 Desktop Environment
>>    version 4.4.2 (Xfce 4.4)
>> Also installed:
>>     Thunar-0.9.0-2.fc7
>>     xfdesktop-4.4.2-1.fc7
>> When I start applications by opening files in Thunar or from
>> the Desktop, this creates zombie processes. After a while,
>> I'm stuck with loads of zombie processes.
>> To get rid of these zombies, I have to kill Thunar and the
>>  xfdesktop programs. This is not nice, as, for example,
>> my desktop icons disappear (of course I can restart
>> manually the desktop again..still not nice!).
>> I suppose this is a problem in Xfce4.
>> Are you aware of these problems?
>> Is it solvable?
> Well, it sounds like a new problem, do you have an idea which
> application actually crashed?

Something should have crashed? Not that I have noticed.
I keep using Thunar and xfdesktop for opening files, mainly
PDFs (with evince), JPGs (with gimp) and movies (xine or vlc).

After a day or more, I run the 'top' command and see over
20 or 30 zombie processes, which all have their parent
processes as either Thunar of xfdesktop.

If this is something unusual or new, then I can investigate
more (how?).


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