xfce svn repo cleanup

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 09:33:29 CET 2008

On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 06:02:52PM -0800, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> Hi all,


> I'd like to clean up the main Xfce SVN repository so it only contains 
> current modules that we consider in the core distribution.  To that end, 
> I also want to create another repository, 'xfce-archive', or possibly 
> 'xfce-obsolete'.  So, something like this would happen:
> pyxfce -> goodies
> squeeze -> goodies
> xarchiver -> goodies
> xfburn -> goodies
> xfc -> ?? (leave it?)
> xfce4 -> ?? (maybe leave it, maybe create a new 'xfce3' repo)
> xfce4-iconbox -> xfce-obsolete
> xfce4-perl -> goodies or kelnos
> xfce4-systray -> xfce-obsolete
> xfce4-terminal -> goodies?  Will Eduard still work on this?
> xfce4-themes -> xfce-obsolete

Hemhem, maybe we want to tag themes and create branches for Xfce
4.2/4.4, even if theming is a hard work.  So move all the current themes
inside trunk to tags/4.2, and put new themes (possibly out of
xfwm4/trunk/themes) in?

> xfce4-toys -> xfce-obsolete
> xfce4-trigger-launcher -> xfce-obsolete

This one works for the Xfce 4.4 panel, so I had say -> goodies

> xffm -> xfce-obsolete
> xffm-icons -> xfce-obsolete
> xfmedia -> goodies or kelnos
> I can also create per-user repositories (like my 'kelnos' repository) if 
>   Danny/JF/Giuseppe/Stephan want to put their projects in there instead 
> of goodies.
> Thoughts?  Objections?  If no one has issues with this, I'll probably 
> start the move this coming weekend.

Tho not related to the xfce svn, the goodies svn has projects that can
be moved to -obsolote IMHO.

Here are plugins that now are bundled to the Xfce panel:

And here are other projects:

> 	-brian

My 2 pennies
mike, who could need a longer nap

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