fosdem 2008

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Sat Feb 23 05:03:41 CET 2008

Erik Harrison wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at> wrote:
> Huh. Not sure how I feel about making all you guys into real people.
> It sorta converts Xfce from faux-MMO to "stuff real people do". Most
> of the time I just think of you guys as NPCs in a video game I'm very
> bad at.

Does that mean we always win?  Sweet, I get to win at something!

> Also - I expected more of us to have facial hair.

Yeah... I never did figure out who the bearded guy on the left is.  Not 
sure who the guy in front, in between Jaime (goatee man, for the 
uninitiated) and Moe, is either.  But yes, for Linux guys, we're a 
remarkably hairless lot.


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