fosdem 2008

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Sat Feb 23 04:12:07 CET 2008

On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at> wrote:
>  Le vendredi 22 février 2008 à 20:20 +0100, Jelle de Jong a écrit :
>  > Hello guys,
>  >
>  Hi
>  > I am going to fosdem tomorrow, and I would really meetup with some of
>  > the developers, especially jasper. I have created some plans for a list
>  > of development project around xfce and i would like to discuss in person.
>  >
>  As far as I know, Jasper is not coming this year.
>  > So how can we meet at fosdem? is somebody even going?
>  >
>  Olivier, Yves-Alexis and I (and probably other people I forgot about)
>  will be there.
>  So far, we haven't arranged a place to meet. To help, here is a picture
>  taken at the FOSDEM in 2005:

Huh. Not sure how I feel about making all you guys into real people.
It sorta converts Xfce from faux-MMO to "stuff real people do". Most
of the time I just think of you guys as NPCs in a video game I'm very
bad at.

Also - I expected more of us to have facial hair.

>  Olivier is on far right ("small" guy with glasses) and I'm on the second
>  from the left. I might be hanging around at some time with the people
>  filming the lectures in the Chavanne room.
>  I hope we can meet this w-e.
>  PS: If you want my phone number ask me in a private mail.
>  --
>  Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at>
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