[PATCH] when logging out, sync() all data in background to disc

Kok, Auke sofar at foo-projects.org
Fri Aug 22 23:04:08 CEST 2008

New patch filed here: http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4313

Another patch for speedups! This one however speeds things up when the system is
shutting down!

On netbooks where we have slow-to-write SSD devices, shutdown can be painful as
flushing all the dirty data to disc is quite a penalty, slowing down shutdown by

A quick helping hand can be given by xfce4 if it calls sync() when the user
appears to be going-to-shutdown. The xfce4-session-logout application is the
central point that is initially called if the user selects any of the `exit` paths
in xfce4. By inserting an asynchronous `sync();` call as the very first action
that xfce4-session-logout does, data is being flushed to disc even before the
`logout` and `shutdown` buttons appear on screen.

This helps a lot with shutdown time, as the user usually needs at least a whole
second to locate the appropriate button on the screen with his mouse and click it.
In that time we could have flushed a significant amount of data back to disc
already. And that's exactly what this patch does.

The patch is against 4-4, but I assume just like the other patch that it applies
against trunk just fine as well.


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