Xfce news. Sorta.

Σταύρος Γιαννούρης stavrosg at hellug.gr
Tue Aug 12 14:48:11 CEST 2008

Quoting "Erik Harrison" <erikharrison at gmail.com>:

> I also would like to hear the status of various translations, people
> writing docs, all of it. If you're not sure if I'm interested in what
> your doing, err on the side of sending me a note.
Hi Eric.

I'll give you a report about the Greek translation status.
4.4 was released with a basically full translation on the core Xfce  
modules, and for many of the goodies.
Other than that I was mostly silent until earlier this year when the  
Greek translation team doubled in size (well, Evaggelos Balaskas[1]  
jumped in).
We started working on the goodies, so many translations were added,  
and more updated, and we are basically waiting for the first 4.6 beta  
to start working on the core components again.
Or maybe start as soon as the alpha gets out of the door, we'll see.


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