tightening requirements... sorta

Nick Schermer nickschermer at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 21:00:17 CEST 2008

2008/8/9 Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at cornell.edu>:
> So, I'd like to propose making gamin/FAM a "soft required" dependency
> for Thunar.  This really just amounts to a configure script change.  If
> you just run configure with no arguments, and gamin/FAM isn't present,
> then the configure script errors out, with a message telling you to
> install it, or if you *really* don't want it, to pass
> --disable-change-notification to configure, in which case it'll let you
> compile without gamin/FAM.

I'm ok with the change, but how many times is the fam deamon not
running? It only fixes a part of the problem...


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