[PATCH] allow xfwm4 to insert a new workspace next to the active WS

Omari Stephens xsdg+xfcedev at mit.edu
Sun Oct 7 21:08:04 CEST 2007

Hi, all.

I whipped up a patch that lets xfwm4 insert an empty workspace directly to the right of the active workspace (rather than just appending it to the far right end of the workspaces).  I find this useful when I the workspace I'm working starts to get crowded and I want to split the contents into a pair of workspaces.

Almost-symmetrically, it provides a function to Delete the current workspace.  This can be used to get rid of gaps in the workspaces list.  Also, this provides an easy way to undo accidental application of the above functionality.

As a quick note, the attached patch hijacks the Show Desktop key combo for Insert Workspace.  The reason is that (I believe) there is an extra line or two to be added to some settings-related applet, and I'm not sure where that goes.  Consequently, there's no way (yet) to change the keyboard shortcuts for these functions.

Lastly, the patch is against Debian's xfwm4 sources, version 4.4.1-3

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