Suggestions: Drag Highlighted Text, Focus & Raise Window on Drag only

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Mon Mar 19 09:21:55 CET 2007

On Mon, 19 Mar 2007 17:15:01 +0900, robin wrote:

> SUGGESTION 1: Drag Highlighted Text
> Will XFCE intend to allow the ability to highlight text (maybe other  
> things as well) then dragging the highlighted text to text-editors,  
> terminals, or anything with a text-input-field? Gnome & KDE already
> allows that, KDE currently does the best job I think. I would think
> Mac OSX would be even better supported. The ability to do so would be
> nice even though copy & paste still does the job.

This has nothing to do with Xfce.  The application in question needs to
set its drag sources and destinations properly.  Works for me here --
with some applications that support it.

> SUGGESTION 2: Focus & Raise Window on Drag only
> If suggestion 1 is implemented. This suggestion will seem quite
> necessary. Visualise window1 and window2, window1 is partially
> overlapping window2, I would like to drag a file or text from window1
> to window2, as my cursor(while dragging the file/text) goes over to
> window2, window2 raises. When mouse is released, window2 can remain
> raised or go back to being overlapped by window1, but this sentence
> isn't important, it's the part when window2 raises.

You can achieve the same effect by hovering over the taskbar button
while dragging that corresponds to the window you want raised.
Personally I think this would be annoying.


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