Xfce 4.4.1 ? Orage offtopic

juha kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Tue Apr 3 08:34:16 CEST 2007

juha kirjoitti:
> Jani Monoses kirjoitti:
>> Hi,
>>> Jani Monoses wrote:
>>>> Any plans on this? In xubuntu the only thing post 4.4 are the libxfce4util fixes.
>>> In that case, I'm afraid you may miss many fixes from SVN then. Why not
>>> update to xfwm4 svn as suggested when you asked for it?
>>> IT would help xfce immensely IMHO if component owners could start releasing stable minor versions independent
>>> of a stable xfce, than have Xfce 4.4.X be a sum of the latest stables. Thunar and the larger xfce family (xfmedia,
>>> mousepad, xfburn) are already independent projects in that sense.
> Orage just started to release independent releases too.
> Latest stable can be found there:
> http://www.kolumbus.fi/~w408237/orage/index.html
Just to avoid confusion. Orage 4.5.9 is not yet stable version.
It cannot be packaged in distros. Translations etc. are completely
(It is stable test release and beginning of this "independent
release cycle")

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