Bugzilla L&F

Nick Schermer nickschermer at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 21:54:52 CET 2006

Should be fixed now, although it look a little longer that tomorrow...


2006/8/24, Nick Schermer <nickschermer at gmail.com>:
> 2006/8/24, Benedikt Meurer <benny at xfce.org>:
> > Whoever is responsible for the new bugzilla l&f: Nice work.
> >
> > Just one little feature request: Could the "Saved Searches" be moved to
> > the top, where the "Logged in as..." is right now (the "Logged in as..."
> > could then be moved to the bottom).
> >
> I'll look into this tomorrow.
> > Benedikt
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> Nick

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