XFCE "multilevel" menu and "ActionGame" subcategory

Stephan Arts psybsd at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 08:20:55 CEST 2006

On 10/17/06, exvor0 <exvor0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Alexander Toresson wrote:
> >On 10/12/06, Michael Verret <axxium.zenlnx at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>System Information:
> >>OS: Zenwalk Gnu/Linux version 3.0
> >>XFCE version: xfce-
> >>GCC version: gcc-3.4.6
> >>Glibc version: glibc-2.3.6
> >>Linux Kernel: kernel-
> >>
> >>Research taken:
> >>/etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml
> >>/etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/desktop/xfce-registered-categories.xml
> >> freedesktop.org "Desktop Entry Specifications Version 0.9.6
> >>
> >>
> >>Problem:
> >>I have edited line number 80 of the file /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml
> >>to enable the "multilevel" autogenerated system menu feature.
> >>
> >>In greater detail, I have edited the line:
> >>
> >>       <include type="system" style="simple" unique="true"/>
> >>
> >>to read:
> >>
> >>       <include type="system" style="multilevel" unique="true"/>
> >>
> >>This works beautifully and as expected except for one menu category,
> >>"ActionGames".  this is very important to me and the community as I
> >>maintain and develop Zenwalk Linux's gaming website/community at
> >>tuxgames.net
> >>
> >>To attempt to solve the problem before requesting help, I have rebuilt
> >>several game packages assuring that the *.desktop files are built in
> >>accordance with the latest freedesktop.org "Desktop Entry
> >>Specifications Version 0.9.6",
> >>http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html, which
> >>lists the following available game sub-categories:
> >>
> >>ActionGame
> >>AdventureGame
> >>ArcadeGame
> >>BoardGame
> >>BlocksGame
> >>CardGame
> >>KidsGame
> >>LogicGame
> >>RolePlaying
> >>Simulation
> >>SportsGame
> >>StrategyGame
> >>
> >>I have also read the XFCE file
> >>"/etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/desktop/xfce-registered-categories.xml" which
> >>lists the optional categories relevant to
> >>
> >>the "multilevel" menu style.
> >>
> >>Here is an example of a desktop file I have built for the BZFlag game package:
> >>
> >>[Desktop Entry]
> >>Encoding=UTF-8
> >>Name=BZFlag
> >>Comment=A free multiplayer 3D tank battle game
> >>TryExec=bzflag
> >>Exec=bzflag
> >>Terminal=false
> >>Type=Application
> >>Categories=Game;ActionGame;
> >>Icon=bzflag.png
> >>
> >>Several packages fall into the "ActionGame" category but for a reason
> >>unbeknownst to me, this one category is not visible and the games
> >>menus are placed in the main "Game" menu category. Other categories
> >>such as "KidsGame" and "CardGame" work as expected.
> >>
> >>I assure you I have done as much research as I could to resolve this
> >>on my own before asking here.
> >>
> >>Your help is greatly appreciated.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Afaik, last time you asked this, the maintainer of xfdesktop answered
> >"I don't support the multilevel menu feature.".
> >
> >Sorry, but I don't think that repeating this question will get you
> >much more help...
> >
> >Regards, Alexander Toresson
> >_______________________________________________
> >Xfce4-dev mailing list
> >Xfce4-dev at xfce.org
> >http://foo-projects.org/mailman/listinfo/xfce4-dev
> >
> >
> >
> Why would the maintainer of the menu system not support a feature thats
> built in ?  If your going to maintain something you should maintain all
> of it or remove the feature.  Or at least say somewhere in the
> documentation that its an experimental feature or something.  If it does
> I aplogize.

See Olivier's reply to the previous thread Michael started about this issue.


In short:

A permanent fix is due for 4.6, nobody on the Xfce dev-team has the
resources to implement the rest of this feature in the old code.


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