Xfce 4.4BETA1 - core packages

sofar sofar at foo-projects.org
Sat Mar 25 20:51:10 CET 2006

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 11:43:52 -0800, Oblio <apa.chioara at gmail.com> wrote:
> This could be a sensitive issue, but it shouldn't be. It's just that I know
> all the distributions have a "core", "main", or something they support
> fully.
> The whole thing here is: which packages are show-stoppers - which are the
> ones which would prevent the Xfce team from a release?
> Because, although everyone would like Xfce to support
> insert_favorite_GTK2_app_here, it _will_ come back to haunt the devs after
> the release :)
> As a sort of example, I wonder just how many questions about using
> Rox-filer
> as a desktop they answered till now (because it's sometimes associated
> with
> Xfce, mostly in online screenshots),  though it's not even closely related
> with Xfce... Now the thought of having more packages in the Xfce core
> shouldn't be so glorious for a dev :))

rox is irrelevant - it plays no part in the Xfce development process. Same for idesk. Xfce tries to be nice to them by allowing them to manage the desktop etc. but that's it.


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