More prefered applications

Oblio apa.chioara at
Mon Jun 19 21:48:31 CEST 2006

> Right, but I don't want to specify any URL or file,  just use the
> "--launch" option, it's intended for menus.
> exo-open tells me :
> Usage: exo-open [URLs...]
>        exo-open --launch TYPE [PARAMETERs...]
>   -h, --help                          Print this help message and exit
>   -v, --version                       Print version information and exit
>   --launch TYPE [PARAMETERs...]       Launch the preferred application of
>                                       TYPE with the optional PARAMETERs,
> where
>                                       TYPE is one of the following values.
> The following TYPEs are supported for the --launch command:
>   WebBrowser       - The preferred Web Browser.
>   MailReader       - The preferred Mail Reader.
>   TerminalEmulator - The preferred Terminal Emulator.
> If you don't specify the --launch option, exo-open will open all specified
> URLs with their preferred URL handlers. Else, if you specify the --launch
> option, you can select which preferred application you want to run, and
> pass additional parameters to the application (i.e. for TerminalEmulator
> you can pass the command line that should be run in the terminal).

Maybe make some empty files somewhere and open them? Should do the trick.

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