[semi-off] Xfld / .deb packages?

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Wed Apr 26 19:25:33 CEST 2006

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>>>>>>File/launcher icons: popular feature.
>>>>>Yep, we noticed that for beta1, 'File/launcher' icons should be the
>>>>>default, as that's about the most often requested feature. Will
>>>>>hopefully be fixed for beta2 if Brian agrees.
>>>>I don't, as it turns out.  If distro packagers want to, they can feel
>>>>free to patch the source - I believe it's a one-line change each to the
>>>>MCS plugin and to xfce-desktop-settings.c.
>>>It's about sane defaults, not what distributions do. There's already a 
>>>configure check for thunar-vfs. So if thunar-vfs is found, use launcher 
>>>icons as default, otherwise no icons or window icons.
> That's even worse.  Now the default depends on whether or not a
> particular library is found?  I don't think so.

I honestly fail to see your point... look, we're telling people that 4.4
finally provides desktop icons - which means file/launcher icons to
99.9% of the users, and window icons to 0.1% = Joe :-) - so people will
most probably expect (since that's a long awaited feature) that they can
now put icons on the desktop... fine... so they install xfce 4.4 and
launch it, just to notice that they cannot put icons on the desktop.
Some people will be smart enough to guess that this is just a bad
default setting and try to look up the button to change this, but most
other people will be disappointed/confused and will need to google/ask
for a solution, or just start complaining that it doesn't work as
advertised. It's all about sane defaults...

And c'mon, "default depends on whether or not a particular library is
found" is really a lame excuse for <insert your reason here>. I.e., the
default Xfce session also depends on whether or not all xfce components
are installed (simply because xfce4-panel cannot be run if xfce4-panel
is not installed, for example), and did the xfce4-session maintainer
complain about this?

> 	-brian


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