OT: python use in xfce

Aaron aaronf0 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 00:51:19 CEST 2006

On 4/19/06, Robin Haswell <rob at digital-crocus.com> wrote:
> Aaron wrote:
> >> As I've said before: C has it uses. Writing a text editor isn't one of them. Writing a text editor
> >> that loads in half a second is.
> >
> > wow i like how my threads go from flaming me to flaming random shit...
> > why so much hate?
> Um I wasn't flaming you :-) I was just messing around. However I do honestly believe that C affords
> you virtually no advantages other than performance though, and in situations where performance isn't
> an issue (eg, a GUI tool for adding system users), it's usually not the best tool for the job.
> -Rob

no, but im well aware that theres many python haters here. i just dont
understand all of this hate for a language unless theyve acctaully
programmed in it for long periods of time...

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