Unavailable keys in

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Tue Apr 18 21:00:33 CEST 2006

Mtc wrote:

> I have just installed and I have noticed that I can't get some
> keyboard shortcuts.
> To be precise, in the WM settings I'd like to use windows
> key(Mod4)+something else to get some action, however when I press the
> windows key I get a Super_L or Super_R shortcut.

Xfce doesn't do anything special with key syms and rely on the 
configuration of the system for that.

Xorg 6.8.x and later seem to have a bug and don't set that key as a 

Cut'n paste the following lines to $HOME/.Xmodmap and restarty your session:

clear mod4
add mod4 = Super_L


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