Xfce new website - call for review

Nick Schermer nickschermer at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 22:56:47 CEST 2006

2006/4/3, Benedikt Meurer <benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de>:
> Nick Schermer wrote:
> >>One thing about the developer documentation that I wanted to "fix" for
> >>4.4 is to cross link the gtk/glib/pango docs to make it easier for
> >>people reading our docs to reach cross-linked gtk docs. Unfortunately
> >>gtkdoc is rather limited here, so the easiest way would be to simply
> >>upload the gtk/glib/pango docs as well in the same directory and
> >>cross-link them appropriately. I can take care of this.
> >
> > That depends on the links, if (for example) the links are something
> > like /gtk/ we can link everything to the gtk.org website, but if not,
> > send me (or sofar) the new api files and
> > it will be added.
> Aye, good idea, we could use URL rewriting here. I'll have to look into
> this.
> BTW: You don't plan to maintain the generated API docs in SVN, do you? I
> usually generated them here, with proper symlinks and then tared'em up
> and put'em online, that's very easy and saves the overhead of
> synchronizing them with the htdocs repository.

No we're using the api docs from the latest release tarballs. Lots of
other work todo :).


> > Greets,
> > Nick
> Benedikt
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