Is panel plugins integration broken at the moment?

Biju Chacko botsie at
Fri Oct 21 07:20:34 CEST 2005

Carol Spears wrote:
> i started to wonder where such a directory came from to begin with.  i
> am used to developers who seem to mix the ideas of easy and efficient
> and get a really good product from that mix.  so, what reason would this
> new directory appear in /usr/local?  seeing the xfsm-shutdown-helper and
> having recently enjoyed the beauty and mystery of rsync -- i answered my
> own question about where this new $PREFIX originated from and decided it
> was for samba to be able to have its own weird little place on a
> computer that is running between two operating systems -- or however
> that works.  sometimes i answer my questions wrongly.  i know this.

I'm not sure if I understand your confusion, but:

$prefix is shorthand for your install root. It is something you can 
choose at install time. Typically, source packages install under 
/usr/local by default. However, you can choose to have them install 
elsewhere. I install my xfce4 svn under /opt/xfce4, for example. Many 
distros put their own packages under /usr.

Since there are multiple possible locations for your install root, 
developers generally talk about $prefix as a shorthand for all possible 

In your case, when you ran ./configure you did not specify a prefix so 
it would have installed into /usr/local be default.

This doc may help you:

hope this clarifies things,

-- b

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