Bye, bye

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at
Thu Jan 27 10:11:14 CET 2005

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>> I'm still experimenting with the xdt-autogen script, so prepare for 
>> possible breakage. But I thought its better to have it in CVS already, 
>> so people can test it and blame me for bugs. Same goes for M4 macros, 
>> tho they should work fine, but no promises.
> the old allowed you to set the env var NOCONFIGURE=1, and it 
> wouldn't run configure for you.  any chance of adding this to 
> xdt-autogen?  i'd like to add back my makefile rule to the toplevel 
> that checks if is newer than configure, and 
> runs autogen if so.  but i don't want autogen to run configure, since 
> make will take care of that, and it won't be a bother to make sure 
> configure gets passed the proper arguments.


> also, XDT_XFCE_PANEL_PLUGIN() and XDT_XFCE_MCS_PLUGIN() don't appear to 
> work - that is, they look like they just return 
> $libdir/xfce4/(panel-plugins|mcs-plugins).  ah yes, i note this line in 
> xdt-xfce.m4:
> $1_PLUGINSDIR=$libdir/xfce4/panel-plugins
> and also:
> $1_PLUGINSDIR=$libdir/xfce4/mcs-plugins
> seems like it should be substituting the output of "pkg-config 
> (xfce4-panel-1.0|xfce-mcs-manager) --variable=pluginsdir".

Nope, its correct now. This change is required to make sure, that all 
packages keep their stuff below $prefix ($libdir to be exact in this 
case). This previous behaviour led to kinda funny and unexpected results 
with the installer (and I bet some packagers also stumbled about this 

> random gotcha for everyone else: BM_I18N() and XDT_I18N() don't take the 
> same arguments!  leave out the package name argument and just have an 
> arg for the language list (or tack the package name on the end as arg 2, 
> but it's not necessary unless GETTEXT_PACKAGE should be different from 
> the tarball name).  it took me a while to figure out why the configure 
> script was thinking i wanted to build for a language called "xfdesktop".

Thats correct, nobody said that those macros take the same parameters. ;-)

BTW: Nearly all macros are documented now, so it might be a good idea to 
have a quick look at the .m4 file before using the new macro. ;-)

>    -brian


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