how to send mail

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Tue Feb 22 08:26:01 CET 2005

Edscott Wilson Garcia wrote:
> Hi all,
> What's the best way to send mail? I'm increasingly having trouble at this.
> If I use sendmail, mailservers will bounce me because my ISP gives me a dynamic IP.
> If I use SMTP with my ISP smtp server, mailservers will bounce me because:
> blocked using; Not supporting null originator (DSN)
> (this is when the "from" field does not match the "reply to" field)
> If I use SMTP with my ISP smtp server and have matching "from" and "reply to" fields,
> mailservers just drop the message without bothering to bounce.
> How does you post email in this anti-spam environment?

Maybe you can use It has pop-before-smtp 
installed as far as I know.


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