VOTE: Move Xfcalendar to xfce-utils?

edscott wilson garcia edscott at
Wed Feb 2 19:00:31 CET 2005

El mié, 02-02-2005 a las 16:58 +0100, Benedikt Meurer escribió:
> Hello developers,
> Since the all-in-one threads don't produce any useful decision/result, 
> lets try to eliminate issues one-by-one, and use a very simple voting 
> systems, which everybody should be fine with.
> First, cleaning up CVS, starting with Xfcalendar:
> Somebody (I think it was Jasper, but dunno) suggested to remove 
> Xfcalendar from Xfce core (moving it to goodies or "applications"), my 
> suggestion was to merge it with xfce-utils (Xfcalendar is small, I don't 
> see a problem therein). So here goes the vote:
> ( ) Remove Xfcalendar from core
> ( ) Merge Xfcalendar with xfce-utils
> Every developer has one vote (Mickael has right to veto, since he's the 
> maintainer). Vote ends by sunday. If somebody knows a 3rd solution how 
> to handle Xfcalendar (e.g. merging it with xfwm4), speak now, and the 
> voting will be repeated. If there's a need for a lengthly debate, the 
> voting will be cancelled and restarted once the debate is over.
> Benedikt
> PS: Any objections against the voting system?

Yes. In this case it is the duty of the package manager for the
xfce-core package to decide what goes in or not (this is in repayment
for his/her time). That means you. The duty of the maintainer of any
module not chosen to be included in the core module will be to provide
simultaneous release of his/her module following the established
schedule determined by the core maintainer.

This would allow for a tighter release schedule and alleviate much of
the work on the shoulders of the core-maintainer. I suppose the core
maintainer could be changed by popular demand, but what is most
important is to have someone willing to dedicate the necessary time
and effort. Currently the best option I can think of is you, Benny, or
Olivier if he still has the time and energy.

Actually this is the model the xfce project has been following since the
beginning, with Olivier as the core-maintainer, and is also the linux
kernel model, so it has proven reliability.

I would "klemmer" moving *any* module into libxfce4util. The current
status is a well designed, nonbloated library and I would vote to keep
it that way.

IOW, no need to break CVS. Core maintainer can choose what to include or
not to include. 

$ donations can be received on core module and other modules. Donations
received for modules hosted at CVS would be administrated by
Auke. Those that are not, would not.

We each really need to focus on our own task. 

edscott wilson garcia <edscott at>

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