KDE Versus Xfce

Biju Chacko botsie at xfce.org
Wed Dec 21 10:35:52 CET 2005

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 12/20/2005 3:45 PM, Erik Harrison wrote:
>>Lubos Ludak has been doing some performance profiling for KDE. He's
>>been using Xfce startup as his benchmark. Given dropping some things
>>from KDE to "match" Xfce featurewise, he's matched us for startup.
>>He also nicely provides the bootchart, showing a profile of Xfce's
>>disk and CPU utilization. He even capitalizes Xfce right.
> Ugh, xfdesktop takes forever to start, and I imagine it's worse in SVN
> (well, actually, maybe a draw, since I improved the initial menu
> generation time).  Methinks I need to sit down with sysprof for a while.
> Would be nice if xfce4-session could start stuff in parallel, though I
> figure that's probably non-trivial to implement, else Benny would have
> done it.  That chart seems to show some sleeping slices (disk I/O?) near
> the start of all apps such that parallel startup might yield faster
> overall startup.

Could someone explain to me why xfce-mcs-manager seems to start up and 
stop and then start again a second time in this chart?

Is that expected?

-- b

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