'places' panel plugin

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Mon Dec 19 20:50:00 CET 2005

Jani Monoses schreef:
> Hello
> what would be the best way to get a windows/gnome like places menu? One
> with Home/Computer/Desktop/Thrash and Network eventually which would
> suggest a user with MSwindows  background a place to start exploring the
> filesystem from.
> There may be a simple panel plugin I guess which would just launch the
> default file manager with the path corresponding to the icon. Or would
> it be easier as an add-on of the existing xfdesktop menu?
> I see there's something similar now under accessories 'Home folder'
> calling xftree4

It's entirely dependend on the file manager. Xfce does not have the 
concept of places. There are a few options:
1) create a launcher with menu to different locations
2) create .desktop files to put in the menu
3) write a special purpose plugin
4) something else ;-)


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