4.4 ETA?

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 14:32:53 CET 2005

>>>a state some parts will reach earlier than others. Picking (just as an
>>>example) xfdesktop from 4.3 keeping the rest the same would not
>>>technically mean 'using an unreleased version of xfce'.
> Yes, it would indeed mean "using an unreleased version of Xfce". The

This is why I asked whether xfwm, panel and desktop are coupled at all.
If at one point one of these gets to be release ready and well tested it
still won't lead to xfce as a whole to be released. So precisely
because of the relative independence of components 'unreleased version
of xfce' is a very subjective thing to say. Better to err on a safe side
I know, but the release process shows that exact same sources get
bundled (modulo po files) as new versions, because they are stable.
So as you say below that xfce4-session is pretty stable. Would you
consider adding that to rest of xfce4.2 as 'using an unreleased version
of xfce'?

>>>I know mix and
>>>match can be dangerous as it makes the components interact in way are
>>>less frequently tested so I'll try being careful.
> What does "careful" mean?

Asking here first, IOW what I am being right now :)

> Right, but if you swap out core Xfce components for others (e.g.,
> xfdesktop for nautilus, or xfwm4 for metacity), it's not really Xfce
> anymore; it just contains Xfce components.

I'm not quite _that_ silly. To clarify: xfce based distro means xfce
core components dropping only the ones which have a better viable
alternative outside xfce, viable meaning lightweight while still being
usable. And from what Jean-Paul said it could be that only xfburn will
be missing, and probably graveman used instead.


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