new 'Megahertz' panel plugin

samuel verstraete samuel.verstraete at
Mon Aug 1 15:30:24 CEST 2005


Great... just a small remark... Opterons do have scaling
capabilities... they work exactly the same as the other AMD64's... even
in quad (or more) cpu configurations...

Anyway with the recent move of both intel and AMD it would be a pity
not to include multi-cpu possibilities...


On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:23:03 +0200
Wit Wilinski <madman at> wrote:

> Hello ;)
> I just started writing a new XFCE panel plugin. It is called
> Megahertz and is based on AnotherClock. It will display current CPU
> frequency - XFCE lacks such a monitor.
> I currently work on processor speed parsing from /sys entries. The
> first version will be hardcoded to cpu0 only (and I doubt SMP
> machines have cpu-scaling possibilities). If required, I will make
> the plugin more flexible.
> TODO for future versions is a grahical representation of the cpu
> speed (like gnome panel applet does;)
> Could I get an r/w svn account, so I can upload the code as soon as
> I'll make something useful?
> -- 
> [ JID: madman at ] [ ]

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