IMPORTANT: broken pixmaps in svn

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Tue Apr 5 12:44:10 CEST 2005

On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 12:30:57PM +0200, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>I feared st like this, I noticed that the SVN png's were all 1 to 4 
> > >>bytes smaller than the CVS versions.
> > >>
> > >>needless to say: four-letter-word
> > >>
> > >>options:
> > >>
> > >>1) recommit all png's (ugly and messy)
> > >>   
> > >>
> > >
> > >... but acceptable I think. svn rm *.png; <cp files>; svn add *.png; svn 
> > >ci;
> > >-- would that work?
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > yes. definately. Is this workable for you? it could mean disaster for 
> > olivier... the xfwm4 contains many many pngs.
> > 
> for i in */*.png; do
>   svn rm $i
>   cp /path/to/cvs/$i $i
>   svn add $i
> done
> ?

Hmm, except that there are also icons in tags and branches, some of which I
may no longer have on my system.

They can be retrieved from CVS of course, except that the CVS tree is not
accessible now, or is it?

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