xfdesktop eating up the memory

Toomas Römer tromer at hot.ee
Tue Oct 26 05:57:12 CEST 2004


I left xfdesktop running with valgrind for ~2hours. The command was "valgrind 
--log-file=/home/toomasr/valgrindLOG --leak-check=yes -v xfdesktop" and the 
resulting log file is 

I hope this helps.


On Monday 25 October 2004 22:02, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On 10/25/04 20:55, Toomas R?mer wrote:
> > > can you describe your behavior/actions that lead up to the memory usage
> > > increasing?  loading different backdrops?  regenerating the menu often?
> > > opening up the window list?  any information you can give will be
> > > helpful in tracking down the problem.
> >
> > Most of the time i was hitting ctrl-f1 and alt-tab, a lot. I was running
> > and testing different programs, thats it.
> neither of these things have anything to do with xfdesktop.
> > I tried to find out whats the window list, but windowlist.c in xfdesktop
> > didn't make sense to me(i haven't used gdk before).
> the window list is what you get when you middle-click on the desktop.
> > I usually notice the memory thing when i click the right button on the
> > desktop and it takes 30seconds to load the menu.
> then it sounds menu-related.  i'll give it a look when i get home, as i
> haven't run xfdesktop through valgrind in a while.  there hasn't been much
> that's changed with the menu for quite a while, so it's not immediately
> apparent to me what could be wrong.
> 	-brian
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