xfwm4 + Xinerama

Don Christensen djc at cisco.com
Fri Oct 15 23:19:10 CEST 2004

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On 10/15/04 22:45, Andre Lerche wrote:
>>using current CVS head, when I maximize a window on one screen, move it 
>>to the second screen and
>>unmaximize it on the second screen again, the window jumps back to the 
>>first screen. I'm no Xinerama
>>expert (am only using Xinerama to test/fix the taskbar plugin) but is 
>>this the normal behaviour ?
> this sounds like it makes sense.  with xinerama, you don't have multiple
> screens.  you just have one big screen.  when you unmaximise a window, it
> returns to the original position it was in when it was in the non-maxed
> state.  (of course, the ability to maximise on only one physical screen
> is for convenience.)
> 	-brian

Right.  You can't think in terms of screens when using Xinerama.  You
may have more than one monitor, but only one screen.  The current
behavior can be considered a desirable feature, in that you can maximize
a window, resize it back to something less than maximized, drag it over
to the other monitor for a while, then put it back where it was originally
by un-maximizing it.

Oh, wait.  I just tried this (on a single monitor since I'm using
dual-head but not Xinerama), and if you resize a maximized window,
clicking the maximize button causes the window to maximize again.
I preferred the old behavior where the switch between maximized and
unmaximized was explicit.  In other words, I would like the maximize
button to toggle the state of the window and for that state to be
maintained even if the window is resized.  I've used this when I
have a window that is exactly the size I want it to be normally,
but I need to change its size temprarily to something other than
full screen.


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at cisco.com         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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