4.2 QA : Xffm button buglet

edscott wilson garcia edscott at xfce.org
Tue Oct 12 02:45:33 CEST 2004

El lun, 11-10-2004 a las 16:35, purslow at sympatico.ca escribió:
> great work etc, but in the file manager as it defaults for me,
> there are  2  print buttons on the screen: is this intended ?

Yes. The side bar is dynamic, so it shouldn't stay that way for long.
The tool bar as well. So it is possible to have a duplicated button (but
not always). To make the sidebar go away, click on it with button 3. To
make a sidebar appear (at least six possible sidebars, more if
./configure --enable-panel), click with button-3 on any active toolbar
button that has a tiny blob (that supposed to be an arrow) on the lower
right hand corner. You can also access the buttons that would appear in
the sidebar by clicking the toolbar with button-1 and not releasing.
Activate and change by selecting and releasing button-1. If you hold
down CTRL while releasing, you will change the top button but not
activate signal.

My explanation might be confusing, but the way the toolbar/sidebar works
is really quite simple. Play around with it and you will see.



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