Visted link color in documentation is hard to discern

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Tue Nov 16 08:23:53 CET 2004

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 09:01:21AM +0100, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> ...
>>I like it a lot on your sample page. I uploaded an updated css for the 
>>online docs, e.g. 
>> .
>>I wonder if the screenshots aren't looking too grey with this background 
>>color. Perhaps they need a shadow... Benny, what tool did you use to 
>>create the xfce4-session screenies?
>>Also I would need to change the color for examples and tables, probably 
>>in the xsl stylesheet.
> I updated all on-line docs, so please have a look (don't forget to refresh, if
> you visited the site recently. Speaking from personal experience ;-)
>>Anyone else have an opinion? Francois?
> The change is a bit more extensive then just the link colors, so I'd like to
> have some support for it from other devs before committing.

Silence implies consent? ;-) Anyway, I have committed the changes to 
CVS. Thanks Jeff for the suggestions.


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