settings manager dialog

Jesse Wagner beansack at
Fri Mar 19 22:11:12 CET 2004

> Yes. In fact, I hope it solves 2 problems I found with current version.
> First one, a minor one, is that icons get scaled down. Second problem I
> find anoying.
> When oppened, it looks like this:
> It doesn't display everything, I have to either scrool down or resize
> window. Should size of that window be fixed? Some preferrences windows,
> like for example Backdrop, are resizable, but some are not (like
> Display). IMHO, all preferences windows should have consistent behavior.

I don't really see the problem w/ scrolling. It seems like you are just
trading one problem for another. Now if someone has lots of modules the
window is too large.

-- - Same, same, but different

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