panel dock type broken

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Fri Jul 9 11:01:26 CEST 2004

On Fri, Jul 09, 2004 at 10:37:39AM +0200, Olivier wrote:
> Jasper,
> The panel is still broken in CVS. I fail to see the benefit of changing
> the type to normal from dock and vice versa.
> Either we choose to set the panel to "dock" and stick with that (and the
> "always on top" option is irrelevant), or we choose to set the panel as
> a normal window and set the additional states (always on top, skip
> pager, skip taskbar etc) manually. 
> Anyway, mixing all this like it is now in CVS is conceptually broken
> IMO, and won't give any good result...
> BTW, struts aren't reserved for docks, you can set struts and partial
> struts to any kind of window.
> Personnally, I wouldn't mind setting the panel to dock type and remove
> the always on top.

Thanks, I cannot agree with you more. I'm afraid I gave in to the pressure too
soon. To me it makes sense to have the panel as a dock type window.

On the other hand there are apparently a lot of people who want their panel to
be covered by other windows.

I have two options:
- Make the panel a dock type window. This is my personal preference. It does
  take away some configurability.
- Make panel a normal window and use window state ABOVE for always on top.
  This will possibly make more people happy.

Other opinions?


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