debug.h and util.h

Mike Bressem mb at
Mon Jan 19 14:19:01 CET 2004


as described in a previous thread, i have tried to compile xfce 4.0.3 with
the sun forte c-compiler. but the macro definitions seem to differ between
sun and gnu. here's a little example:


#if defined(__SUNPRO_C)

#define DBG(fmt, args)   { do {} while(0); }
#define TRACE(fmt, args) { do {} while(0); }


#define DBG(fmt, args...)   { do {} while(0); }
#define TRACE(fmt, args...) { do {} while(0); }


the sun compiler generates much smaller binary files on solaris than the

are you interested in supporting the sun forte compiler suite for solaris
systems ?



Internet Management GmbH                            Auf der Weih 2
Mike Bressem                                        35745 Herborn - Germany
                                                    Tel. +49 2772 4723 -  0
There are only 10 types of people in the world:     Fax. +49 2772 4723 - 29
Those who understand binary and those who don't.    email: mb at

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