4.2-RC3 Mail checker & pop3 entry: missing port number

Rob Lahaye roblahaye at home.nl
Wed Dec 29 03:27:37 CET 2004

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> Rob Lahaye wrote:
>>The mail checker allows this kind of entry:
>>   pop3://user:password at server
>>which works. However, using pop3 like this is risky,
>>since it sends the password in clear text over the network.
>>Instead, one should use a secure tunnel from the local machine
>>to the server. Say, this tunnel operates on port 55110 with:
>>   ssh -N -f -L 55110:server:110 my.local.host
>>then the following should be allowed in the mailchecker:
>>   pop3://user:password at localhost:55110
>>Now adding such a port number at the end seems to break the
> the attached patch doesn't actually work, but that's mainly because  
> apparently suck at sscanf() format strings.  if someone were to fix 
> format string, it should work.  i leave that as an exercise for the 
> reader ^_~.

  sscanf (mc->mbox, "pop3://%[^:]:%[^@]@%s:%d"

should become

  sscanf(mbox, "pop3://%[^:]:%[^@]@%[^:]:%d"

Missing in this patch is: when the portnumber is ommitted,
it should default to 110.


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