invalid UTF8 in desktop files

Alexandre Moreira alexandream at
Sat Dec 4 17:27:07 CET 2004

On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 12:13:31AM +0100, Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Hi all,
> It seems pt_BR did not use UTF8 is some desktop files:

> [Invalid UTF-8] Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/xfce-
> menueditor.desktop': desktop entry contain line 'Comment
> [pt_BR]=Ferramenta gr\xe1fica para edi\xe7\xe3o do menu do Xfce 4' which
> is not UTF-8
> [Invalid UTF-8] Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/xfce-
> backdrop-settings.desktop': desktop entry contain line 'Name
> [pt_BR]=Configura\xe7\xf5es do Desktop Xfce 4' which is not UTF-8

> Could someone with knowledge in portuguese help fixing that?

I checked out in the CVS but it seems to be already fixed... is it ?

If not tell me what files need change and I'll do it.

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