Xfce Helper proof of concept

edscott edscott at prodigy.net.mx
Sat Aug 28 03:25:57 CEST 2004

El vie, 27-08-2004 a las 18:24, Erik Harrison escribió:
> I agree with putting environment variable control in XFce. I would
> assume that this would be added to the session manager, or at least
> it's MCS plugin?
> As for being lighter than xffm for simply opening documents, that does
> seem reasonable. I'd also like to see a global registry of MIME types
> -> applications in xffm. Or is there and I'm missing it?

There are two modules in libxfcegui4 which are not incorporated into the
library but loaded on demand (like plugins). One is for associating
icons to mime types and one for associating applications to mime types.
Xfrun4 could be made to load this module to see what program to use in
the same way xffm does, but this would not be the optimum. For xfrun4, a
diskbased hash table would be more efficient since only one record is
searched for. Currently the mime-applications module loads a ghashtable
to memory, which is more efficient if you are going to be consulting the
table over and over again (like xffm does).

Anyways, it's not a much in demand option, so the little code added to
xffm is probably good enough for now.



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