xfdesktop coreing

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Mon Aug 23 02:00:43 CEST 2004

Antonio SJ Musumeci wrote:

> the stack trace appears to be corrupted. I'm getting 573 levels. 
> bottom is xfce-kiosk_free(kiosk = 0x0) at xfce-kiosk.c:195 and the top is
> g_hash_table_insert(). everything else is nothing.

does xfce_kiosk_new() return NULL if the kiosk file doesn't exist?  
either way, do the functions do any kind of checking for passing a NULL 
value for an XfceKiosk?

granted, this crash might not have anything to do with the kiosk code 
(or my usage of it), since the stack appears to have been smashed to bits...


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