
Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Fri Aug 20 08:35:18 CEST 2004

finally got around to taking a look at this.  here are my thoughts, 
apologies if this is stuff others have said or you've already planned.

1) MCS plugin prints this to console when it displays the settings dlg:

(xfce-mcs-manager:12672): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) 
pointer instance

(xfce-mcs-manager:12672): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: file gsignal.c: line 
1634 (g_signal_connect_data): assertion `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE 
(instance)' failed

2) it would probably make sense to have a "close tab" option in the file 
menu.  yes, i know, quitting the shell in a tab will close it too.  but 
for completeness' sake...

3) resizing.  you should be able to make the window smaller than its 
initial size.  also, it should set size increment hints so the window 
manager will constrain the window size to increments of the column 
widths/row heights.

4) adding tabs shouldn't resize the window.  in fact, nothing should 
ever automatically resize the window except a font size change.

5) a scrollbar would be nice ^_^.

6) options options options....   size of scrollback buffer, run as login 
shell, color options (i like a black BG, but the grey FG isn't bright 
enough for me), ability to hide the menubar...

7) menu accelerators.  i know why you disabled them (that is, alt+f for 
File menu, etc.), but it would be nice to be able to have some kind of 
keyboard way to get to the menus (without having to remember the 
shortcuts for each item).  i wonder if you can change the mnemonic 
behavior on a per-widget-basis so you could do alt+shift+f for the file 
menu...  hmm, actually, this sounds doable, if you set up a separate 
accel object.  maybe.  something to think about for later, anyway.

that's all i can think of for now.  this is a great start - something 
nicely in between xterm and gnome-terminal.  prettier than xterm, but 
not as slow to start as gnome-terminal.  and supporting AA fonts, unlike 


Eduard Roccatello wrote:

>Fast release :-)
>This should fix gtk 2.2 support.
>Shortcuts changed in Shift+Ctrl to prevent issues with other
>applications. MCS plugin fixes.
>Lot more in 0.0.5 :-)

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