xfdesktop new stuff - needs testing

Erik Harrison esharri1 at bulldog.unca.edu
Thu Apr 22 20:26:50 CEST 2004

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>> hi all-
>> i committed a huge amount of stuff to xfdesktop this morning, and it 
>> should hopefully address a bunch of multiscreen (non-xinerama) 
>> issues.  i know there will be problems with it, as i obviously can't 
>> test it, and there are a few things i'm just not sure about.
> IIRC there is an option for Xnest to use 2 screens. Would that help you?
>> there's a new settings dialog that needs testing as well.  note: the 
>> color gradients don't do anything yet.  note2: all your old desktop 
>> settings are now lost, as the MCS setting names have all changed 
>> (mainly just to "setting_screennum").  so write them down before 
>> updating if you care.
> Some quick comments.
> - Don't block the settings manager dialog (did you use gtk_dialog_run? 
> (don't)).
> - You probably shouldn't show the 'Screen 0' tab when there's only one 
> screen.
> - Could we try and find a way to not have a notebook in a notebook? 
> Perhaps multiple Background tabs in the main notebook (Background 1, 
> Background 2, Menu), or an option menu to choose the screen, with a 
> checkbutton to use the same setting for all screens? I think I like that 
> last option.
> - If there is no better way, at least put a border around the inner 
> notebook.
> - (mostly my fault) The dialog is starting to look rather cluttered now. 
> Lot's of text, seemingly randomly positioned, the 'Don't set backdrop' 
> option seems out of place. I have no idea how to solve it though.
> - I don't think we should use 'Backdrop' in our user interface. I'd 
> prefer a more 'normal' word like background. This is of course very much 
> personal opinion.
> No code, just words, I'm afraid :/
>     Jasper
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Is the menu the same for every screen? If it is, then by looking at the 
screenshot it seems that we're shoehorning a lot of only vaguely related 
functionality into a single dialog. If the menu tab was pulled out then 
we could simply have tabs for each screen, which seems more logical to 
me, as well as less cluttered.


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