Customization in xfce4-panel needed for net appliance

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Wed Apr 7 07:45:28 CEST 2004

K Raghu Prasad wrote:
> I am customizing xfce4 for a net appliance. The 
> problems with the panel is as follows:

cool ;-)

> 1. The arrow on launcher to open sub-menu is very tiny
> when viewed on TV.
> Its size and color is to be enhanced. Is it possible 
> by modifying themes?
> If not, then I'll modify the code itself. Which 
> sections are most pertinent for this?

Look in panel/panel.c, the top_height[] variable determines the arrow 
button size.

> 2. When a sub-menu is opened on a launcher, we need to
> click again on the arrow to close it. It does not
> close when 
> mouse is clicked on some other window. Is it possible
> to 
> implement this. If not, is it possible to set a
> pre-defined time (in seconds) for auto close of 
> sub-menu?

This is definitely harder to do. You will have to write special code for 
this. Ading a timeout just before popping up the window may be easiest.

To close the window when you click somewhere else, you will have to grab 
the pointer to be notified of mouse clicks outside the window.

> Thanks in advance.

Hope that helps.


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