xfpanel - feature requests and bugs

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Mon Oct 27 12:27:22 CET 2003

On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 03:04:09 -0800 (PST)
Sridhar R <sridharinfinity at yahoo.com> wrote:

> hi,
> these might be helpful
> Xfpanel
> -------
> 1. Window popping up from xfpannel holds taskbar title
> as "xfce4-panel".

They're not shown on the taskbar, which is how it should be. They are
menus not application windows.

> 2. right click menu - add an entry to close (restart)
> "xfpanel" - This is very helpful after you install
> plugins.

Restart agreed. Close == Exit.

> 3. when opening dialogs from xfpanel, don't make it
> modal, but that doesn't mean that they should show in
> taskbar. may be also don't make them AOT.  But put a
> single taskbar entry for an item configuration

Sorry I don't understand what you mean here. The dialogs are shown in
the taskbar, because they require immediate action from the user. I
believe they should be modal; you either want to change something or you

> 4. dnd support

I assume you mean to move items around? That is planned, but not

If you mean dragging files to a launcher, that already works, or should.

> 5. In add-launcher properties "remove" button should
> have focus by default so that it loses focus only when
> user changes launcher properties and if he is not,
> definetly he is not willing to create that launcher so
> that by pressing enter he can close it.

Can't do that, because the dialog doesn't know it's a new item.

> 6. Panel item(plugin) properties window title should
> contain panel-item-name

Yeah, probably.

> 7. File-Manage=>Nautilus should run "nautilus
> --no-desktop" instead of "nautilus"

Already changed in CVS. IMO this is a nautilus bug, btw.

> 8. Launcher: On launching applications that run in
> terminal set the icon of <xfterm4> to that icon
> specified in launcher properties so that the icon will
> apear in xftaskbar4!

That would be nice, now wouldn't it? I don't know how to do this though.
Patches are welcome ;-)

> 9. Launch notification - doesn't seem to work
> correctly.  Sometimes the busy cursor is still busy
> even after the launch of applications, particulary for
> quickly loading applications

The application must support this. That is why notification is optional.
If there was a way to find out, there would be no need for an option.

> 10. "Add Launcher" seems to redundant most of the
> times. Though it is needed there. The only solution is
> to support a option to make only '+' icon visible, but
> no text and the area occupied by that will be smaller.
> Still user-friendly!

I don't think so ;-)


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