XFce goodies - SuSE RPMs now available

Benedikt Meurer Benedikt.Meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Mon Oct 20 22:11:34 CEST 2003

On Sun, 19, Oct 2003, Scott Jones wrote:

> > > Just one last question: Would it be difficult for you to upload
> > > source rpm files? If you could do so, it may be an easy task for
> > > others to build binary packages for RH, MDK, etc. (don't know
> > > exactly how compatible they are at source level).
> >
> > Or for later SuSE versions. I plan to install SuSE 9.0 in a few weeks
> > so I will be able to provide RPMs for this version if the src.rpms
> > are avaibable (and if SuSE didn't change too much; at least they
> > upgraded to RPM 4.x).
> Done.  Also updated xfce4-netload-plugin 0.2.1 and 
> xfce4-systemload-plugin 0.3.2 packages, as I forgot to include the 
> translations in those packages.

Thanks Scott, hopefully some of our RedHat and MDK users will help to
create binary rpms from the source rpms.


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