right-click close-window kills no more

Ric fhj52ads at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 4 02:16:35 CEST 2003


I was going to chirp-in on this before when it got removed but thought it was
not a good time then. SO, I will now.

--- Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at xfce.org> wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> Hehehe, the right-click = kill has been removed because it was too
> dangerous IMO.

When this got removed during feature freeze, I tried to figure out why.  The
only thing I could think that made any sense was that a mouse glitch over the
'max/min' button that actually hit the close button would cause a problem(a big
problem if it is an editor and the work has not been properly saved...).  
--? Some other reason(s) it is "dangerous" feature?

In any event, it was a very nice feature to bypass the hunt&kill(hunt for
xkill, run it and use it).  One of those features that makes XFce *special*,
ithink, and greatly distinguishes it from the MS windows nag screens that I

> You still can use xkill, or even bind xkill to a key shortcut
> combination.

bind xkill to mouse-rt(or middle)-clk-hover-over-the-close-button would be
better. ;)
I like the middle-click more as it is a bit harder to do "accidently". Or maybe
making it a lt & rt buttons simultaneous click would resolve the 'dangereous'

Perhaps you could at least make this optional, please?

To be honest, I do/did not use it often as most aps are better behaved these
days but it sure was handy for the errant ones.  
I would use it more if it could kill _just_ that one window w/out killing the
parent process too.  I suppose that is too hard to do...

> Cheers,
> Olivier.
> On Fri, 2003-10-03 at 19:02, Jan Eidtmann wrote:
> > hello Olivier,
> > 
> > my apps keep crashing ... it was ok if there was this feature called
> > "right-click on close-window to kill"! please enable it again!
> > 
> > one other small thing: i'd like an option to disable "cycle from last to
> > first desktop".
> > 
> > thx for this delicious piece of software!!!! (to all devs)

ditto (and ditto)

> > cmak
> -- 
> Olivier Fourdan - fourdan at xfce.org

Have A Great Day!

Thought for today:
After 10 years writing object-orientated enterprise code, one of the 
most important things I've learned is to code as if the next guy to come 
along and maintain your code is a short-tempered 30-stone gorilla who 
knows where you live.
-- Caspian Rychlik-Prince
-- http://www.puppygames.net/articles/alienflux_postmortem.php

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